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Questions: 1 2 3

Physics 1120

Uncertainty Propagation

  1. Round the following to the correct number of significant figures:
    (a) 71.85234 ± 0.02672     (b) 13.6 ± 0.210     (c) 0.0044667 ± 0.000081
  2. Recall that we keep two digits if the first non-zero digit of the uncertainty is a 1 or a 2.

    (a) 71.852 ± 0.027

    (b) 13.60 ± 0.21

    (c) 0.00447 ± 0.00008

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  3. Apply error propagation rules to the following:
    1. Let A = 79.5 ± 0.6, B = 27.8 ± 0.4, and C = 54.6 ± 0.3. Evaluate F = A - B + C.

      First we determine the principle value,

      P(F) = P(A) - P(B) + P(C) = 79.5 - 27.8 + 54.6 = 106.3 .

      Using the rule for addition and subtraction, the uncertainty is given by

      δ(F) = δ(A - B + C)

      = [(δA)2 + (δB)2 + (δC)2]½

      = [(0.6)2 + (0.4)2 + (0.3)2]½

      = 0.78

      Thus F = 106.3 ± 0.78 = 106.3 ± 0.8 .

    2. Let A = -12.1 ± 0.2 and B = 3.45 ± 0.06. Evaluate F = A/B.

      First we determine the principle value,

      P(F) = P(A)/P(B) = -12.1/3.45 = -3.5072 .

      Using the rule for multiplication and division, the uncertainty is given by

      δ(F) = δ(A/B)

      = P(A/B)[(δ(A)/P(A))2 + (δ(B)/P(B))2]½

      = P(F)[(δ(A)/P(A))2 + (δ(B)/P(B))2]½

      = |-3.5072|×[(0.02 / -12.1)2 + (0.06 / 3.45)2]½

      = 0.0841

      Thus F = -3.5072 ± 0.0841 = -3.51 ± 0.08 .

    3. Let A = 15.4 ± 0.2, B = 7.85 ± 0.03, and C = 6.24 ± 0.08. Evaluate F = A /(BC).

      First we determine the principle value,

      P(F) = P(A/BC) = 15.4/(7.85 × 6.24) = 0.3144 .

      Using the rule for multiplication and division, the uncertainty is given by

      δ(F) = δ(A/BC)

      = P(F)[(δ(A)/P(A))2 + (δ(B)/P(B))2 + (δ(B)/P(B))2]½

      = 0.3144×[(0.2 /15.4)2 + (0.03/7.85)2 + (0.08/6.24)2]½

      = 0.00586

      Thus F = 0.3144 ± 0.0058 = 0.314 ± 0.006 .

    4. Let R = 0.151 ± 0.005. Evaluate V = (4/3)R3.

      First we determine the principle value,

      P(V) = (4/3)P(R3) = (4/3)(0.151)3 = 0.01442 .

      Using the rule for roots and powers, the uncertainty is given by

      δ(V) = (4π/3)δ(R3)

      = (4π/3)(3)[P(R)]2δ(R)

      = 4π(0.151)2(0.005)

      = 0.00143

      Thus V = 0.01442 ± 0.00143 = 0.014 ± 0.001 .

    5. Let X = 14.75 ± 0.09. Evaluate Y = 3X½.

      First we determine the principle value,

      P(Y) = 3P(X½) = 3(14.75)½ = 11.522 .

      Using the rule for roots and powers, the uncertainty is given by

      δ(Y) = 3δ(X½)

      = 3(½)[P(X)]δ(X)

      = (3/2)(0.09)/(14.75)½

      = 0.035

      Thus Y = 11.522 ± 0.035 = 11.52 ± 0.04 .

    6. Let θ = 27.5 ± 0.5°. Evaluate Y = sin(θ).

      First we determine the principle value,

      P(Y) = P{sin(θ)} = sin(27.5°) = 0.46175 .

      Using the rule for functions, the uncertainty is given by

      δ(Y) = δ{sin(θ)}

      = δθ cos(P(θ))

      = (0.5° × π/180°)cos(27.5)

      = 0.00774

      Thus Y = 0.46175 ± 0.00774 = 0.462 ± 0.008 .

    7. Let λ = 3.51 ± 0.06. Evaluate N = e

      First we determine the principle value,

      P(N) = P(e) = e-3.51 = 0.029897.

      Using the rule for functions, the uncertainty is given by

      δ(N) = δ(e)

      = δλP(e)

      = (0.06)(0.029897)

      = 0.00179

      Thus N = 0.029897 ± 0.00179 = 0.030 ± 0.002 .

    8. Let x = 0.75 ± 0.03. Evaluate φ = arctan(x).

      First we determine the principle value,

      P(φ) = arctan(0.75) = 36.870° or 0.64350 rad.

      Since we are dealing with a function

      δφ = δx / (1 + x2) = 0.03 / (1 + 0.752) = 0.019 radians or δφ = 1.1°.

      Thus, φ = 36.9 ± 1.1° or φ = 0.644 ± 0.019 rad.

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  4. Find algebraic expressions for the absolute error in the following:

    (a)            R = 3.22 ± 0.04

    First let A = R3. Using the power rule, δA/A = 3δR/R.

    Thus V = (4π/3)A, where 4π/3 is a constant. So

    δV = (4π/3)δA

    = (4π/3)(R3)(3δR/R)

    = 4πR2δR

    Evaluating we find V = 139.85 ± 5.21 = 140 ± 5 .

    (b)            x = 2.25 ± 0.04, y = 3.72 ± 0.04

    First let A = x2. Using the power rule, δA = 2xδx. Evaluating A = 5.0625 and δA = 0.18 .

    Similarly, let B = x2. Evaluating this gives B = 13.8384. The uncertainty formula is δB = 2yδy which has the value δB = 0.2976 .

    Next let C = A + B. This is C = 18.9009 . Using the addition rule, we find

    δC = [(δA)2 + (δB)2]½

    = [(0.18)2 + (0.2976)2]½
    = 0.3478

    Now we have z = C½ or z = 4.3475. Using the power rule,

    δz = ½δC / C½
    = ½(0.3478)/4.3475
    = 0.04

    Evaluating we find z = 4.35 ± 0.04 .

    (c) R = Acos(θ)            A = 4.27 ± 0.07 θ = 35.0 ± 0.9°

    First let X = cos(θ). The pricipal value is X = 0.81915. Using the rule for functions δX = δθsin(θ) where δθ must be given in radians. Since δθ = 0.9° × π/180° = 0.01571, δX = 0.009010 .

    Now we have R = AX. Evaluating this gives R = (4.27)(0.81915) = 3.49777. Using the rule for multiplication to find the uncertainty yields

    δR/R = [(δA/A)2 + (δX/X)2]½
    = [(0.07/4.27)2 + (0.009010/0.81915)2]½
    = 0.01980

    Cross-multiplying to find δR, we get δR = 3.49777(0.01980) = 0.06927 .

    The result is R = 3.50 ± 0.07 .

    (d) d = v0 + at            v0 = 12.4 ± 0.2, a = −3.51 ± 0.11, t = 2.52 ± 0.08

    Let Y = at. The principle value is Y = (−3.51)(2.52) = −8.8452 . To find the uncertainty we use the multiplication rule.

    δY = Y [(δa/a)2 + (δt/t)2]½
    = (−8.8452)[(0.11/−3.51)2 + (.08/2.52)2]½
    = −0.39457
    = 0.39457

    Note that uncertainties are always positive.

    Now we are left with a simple sum, d = v0 + Y. The principle value is d = 12.4 + −8.8452 = 3.5548. Using the addition rule for the uncertainty we find

    δd = [(δv0)2 + (δY)2]½
    = [ (0.2)2 + (0.39457)2]½
    = 0.4424

    Thus we find v = 3.5548 ± 0.4424 = 3.6 ± 0.4 .

    (e) X = R tan2(θ)            R = 6.85 ± 0.12 θ = 33.0 ± 0.8°

    Let A = tan(θ). The principle value is A = 0.64941 . Using the rule for the uncertainty in this function, δA = δθ / cos2(θ). Recall that δθ must be used in radians. So δθ = 0.8° × π/180° = 0.013963 . The uncertainty is δA = (0.013963)/cos2(33°) = 0.019851 .

    We now have X = RA2, so let B = A2. This has principle value B = 0.42173 . The rule for this power function yields the uncertainty δB = 2AδA with value δB = 2(0.64941)(0.019851) = 0.025783 .

    So we are left with X = RB. This has principle value X = (6.85)(0.42173) = 2.88885 . Using the rule for multiplication to find the uncertainty

    δX = X [(δR/R)2 + (δB/B)2]½
    = (2.88885)[(0.12/6.85)2 + (0.025783/0.42173)2]½
    = 0.18372

    Thus we have X = 2.89 ± 0.18 .

    (f)            R = 6.85 ± 0.12, g = 9.81 ± 0.01, θ = 43.0 ± 0.8°

    Let A = tan(θ) which has principle value A = 0.93252 . Using the rule for this function, δA = δθ /cos2(θ) where δθ must be in radians. Evaluating δA = (0.8° × π/180°)/cos2(43°) = 0.026104 .

    We now have v = [RgA]½, so let B = RgA. The principle value is B = (6.85)(9.81)(0.93252) = 66.6639 . The uncertainty propagation rule for this multiplication yields

    δB = B [(δR/R)2 + (δg/g)2 + (δA/A)2]½
    = (66.6639)[(0.12/6.85)2 + (0.01/9.81)2 + (0.026104/0.93252)2]½
    = 2.2025

    So now v = B½ which, when evaluated, yields v = (66.6639)½ = 8.16480 . The rule for the uncertainty in this function is

    δv = ½δB / B½
    = ½(2.2025)/(8.16480)
    = 0.13488

    Thus we have v = 8.16 ± 0.13 .

    (g) d = v0t + ½at2            v0 = 12.4 ± 0.2, a = −3.51 ± 0.11, t = 2.52 ± 0.08

    This is not a formula that we can work with. Suppose we let A = v0t and B = ½at2 so that d = A + B. We do not have a rule to find δd for this simple addition since δA and δB are not independent of one another since they both will include a δt dependence. We will have to wait until we can handle multivariate calculus to do this problem correctly.

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