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Physics 2421 Information Sheet

Instructor: Dr. Mike Coombes

Surrey - D349, Tel.: 599-2196
Voice Mail #: 9103


Physics 2421 is an intermediate level laboratory course in electric circuits. Topics include the use of the oscilloscope, AC circuits, RLC circuits, Diodes, rectification and filter circuits, transistor characteristics and amplification, and operational amplifiers.


Understand the operation and use of an oscilloscope

Understand the characteristics of

Program LabVIEW


Physics 1220; or Physics 1102 (with a B or better)

Math 2321 and Physics 2420 must precede or be taken concurrently.

Transfer Status:
SFU:  Physics 331(2)
UBC:  with Phys 2420, Physics 215(3)

(i)  Physics 2421 Lab Manual
(ii)  Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4th. ed. expanded (1999) by Paul A. Tipler
(iii)  Electronic Devices, 2nd Ed., by Thomas L. Floyd (Merrill, 1988) (copies of this text can be borrowed from the physics lab).

Office Hours:

Please see my schedule for my whereabouts and office hours.


A final grade for this course will be determined by student performance in:

Lab Due Date
The Oscilloscope 19 Jan 2001
LCR Circuits 02 Feb 2001
Rectification 16 Feb 2001
The Transistor 09 Mar 2001
The Operational Amplifier 23 Mar 2001
Project 17 Apr 2001

I will assign the LabVIEW project.  To complete the project you will need to learn the basics of programming the LabVIEW.    In week 2, I will give a short introduction.  You will need to work through the labVIEW exercisel at the back of the lab manual.  Start working on the LabVIEW exercise by week 3.


Letter grades will be assigned according to the following policy:
Grade  Grade Point  % Equiv. 
A+  4.33  90-100 
4.00  85-89 
A-  3.67  80-84 
B+  3.33  76-79
3.00  72-75 
B-  2.67 68-71 
C+  2.33  64-67 
2.00  60-63 
C-  1.67  56-59 
1.00  50-55 
0.00  0-49 


Handouts are available from the Kwantlen website www.kwantlen.bc.ca/~mikec.

Withdrawal Date:

Please see the calendar for this semester's withdrawal date.

Academic Misconduct:

Kwantlen Polytechnic University Policy on Plagarism and Cheating

Questions? mike.coombes@kpu.ca

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