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Physics 2420 Information Sheet

Instructor: Dr. Mike Coombes

Surrey: D349, Tel.: 599-2196
Voice Mail #: 9103


Physics 2420 is an intermediate level course in electricity and magnetism. Topics covered this semester are DC and AC circuits; an introduction to semiconductor devices, electrostatic forces and fields, electric potential, capacitance and dielectrics, magnetic fields, magnetic properties of materials, and Maxwell's Equations.


Physics 1220; or Physics 1102 with a B or better.
Math 1220.
Math 2321 must precede or be taken concurrently.

Transfer Status:
SFU:  Physics 221(3)
UBC:  with Phys 2421, Physics 215(3)
UVic:  with Phys 2421, Physics 216(3)

(i)  Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Current Edition by Paul A. Tipler.
(ii)  Introduction to Electrodynamics, 3rd ed., by David J. Griffiths (Prentice Hall 1999).
(iii)  Electronic Devices, Latest Ed., by Thomas L. Floyd (Merrill) (copies of this text can be borrowed from the physics lab).

Office Hours:

For my whereabout and office hours, please see my schedule.


Regular attendance in lectures is not mandatory but is strongly recommended. It will not be possible for the instructor to provide individual tutoring to make up for missed lectures.


A final grade for this course will be determined by student performance in:


Letter grades will be assigned according to the following policy:
Grade  Grade Point  % Equiv.  Min % on Final Exam
A+  4.33  90-100  80
4.00  85-89  70
A-  3.67  80-84  65
B+  3.33  76-79  60
3.00  72-75  60
B- 2.67  68-71  55
C+  2.33  64-67  50
2.00  60-63  40
C-  1.67  56-59  40
1.00  50-55  --
0.00  0-49  --


Assignments will be assigned on a regular basis. The assignments are due one week after being assigned. Note that getting the correct answer any assignment problem is less important that an thorough understanding of how these problems are solved. This is very important as the purpose of questions on tests will be to test your understanding of the physical principles involved. As a result, the test questions may appear quite dissimilar to any question you have done on an assignment.


Handouts, along with old tests and final examination, are available from my homepage www.kwantlen.bc.ca/~mike.


There will be two or three tests during the semester, covering specified portions of the course. Details of all tests will be given in class. All tests must be taken as scheduled; there will be no retests, and a missed test will count as zero. If you miss a test due to illness, please notify me as soon as possible. You may be asked for a doctor's note. On any test or exam, you will be allowed to bring in one 8½ × 11 formula sheet.

This is not a course in memorizing equations. One of the goals of the course is to develop the ability to build the specific equations needed for a particular problem, starting from first principles. Exam solutions which omit this crucial step will not be given full marks even if the answer is correct. You may prepare and use an equation sheet with a limited number of equations on it on any test or exam in this course.

Withdrawal Date:

Please see the calendar for this semester's withdrawal date.

Academic Misconduct:

Kwantlen Polytechnic University Policy on Plagarism and Cheating

Physics 2420 Course Outline
Topic Chapter Week
Kirchhoff's Rules, Linear Superposition, Capacitors,
RC Circuits, Inductors, RL Circuits
T 25,26,30-8 1
AC, rms, Transformers, LCR Circuits, Q T 31 2
Driven LCR by phasor method T 31 3
more LCR by phasors, Complex Impedance T 31 4
Semiconductors & Diodes F 1,2,3 5
Transistors, Electric Field F 5,6,8; G 2 6
Gauss' Law G 2 7
Electric Potential G 2 8
Electrostatic Energy, Capacitors G 2 9
Method of Images G 3 10
Electric Fields with Dielectrics G 4 11
Magnetic Interaction, Biot-Savart Law G 5 11
Magnetic Fields, Ampere's Law G 5 12
Magnitism and Matter G 6 13
Faraday's Law G 7 13
Maxwell's Equations G 7 14

T - Tipler     F - Floyd     G - Griffiths

Questions? mike.coombes@kpu.ca

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